Configure Google Workspace with Black Pearl Mail (new content compliance config)

Configure Google Workspace with Black Pearl Mail (new content compliance config)

  1. These steps will route all of your users through the Black Pearl Mail platform. If you prefer to start with a test/pilot group before rolling it out with all of your users, follow these instructions
To carry out the following steps, you will require a Google Workspace account with global administrator permissions.

STEP 1 – Login and go to Gmail Settings

1) Go to your Gmail Administrator settings:
2) From the left-hand menu, select Apps > Google Workspace > Gmail.

STEP 2 – Set up a New Mail Route

1) Click the Hosts.

2) Click the Add Route.

In the popup, enter the following:
  1. Name: Black Pearl Mail
  2. Ensure that the Specified email server is set to single host.
  3. Hostname (case sensitive):
  4. Port number: 25
  5. Ensure Require secure transport (TLS) is checked.
  6. Ensure Require CA signed certificate is checked.
  7. Ensure Validate certificate hostname is checked.

3) Click Test TLS connection and ensure it passes.

4) Click Save.

STEP 3 – Setting up SMTP Relay Rules

1) Go Back to Settings for Gmail.

2) Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Routing.

3) Scroll down to the SMTP relay service.
4) Click on Configure or Add another rule.

5) Enter the following:
  1. Enter the description as Black Pearl Relay.
  2. Change allowed senders to Only addresses in my domain.
  3. Check Only accept mail from the specified IP addresses.
Add the following IP ranges:
  1. Black Pearl West US -
  2. Black Pearl East 1 US -
  3. Black Pearl East 2 US -
All other fields can be left blank.

6) Click Save.

STEP 4 – Configure Compliance Settings 

1) Go back to Settings for Gmail.

2) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Compliance.

2) Scroll down to Content Compliance and click Configure or Add another rule.
4) Set the description to Black Pearl Compliance.
  1. Under 1. Email messages to affect check Outbound and Internal Sending.  
  2. Under 2. Add expressions that describe the content you want to search for in each message, make sure that you have If ALL of the following match the message selected in the drop-down, then:
    1. Choose to add an expression.
    2. Select Advanced content match.
    3. Location should be set to Full headers.
    4. Match type set to not matches regex.
    5. Copy and paste the below expressions into the Regexp field:
    6. Click Save.
The Google interface will break the expression onto separate lines and might look it hasn't been copied correctly. This is completely normal.

5) Scroll to If the above expressions match do the following.
  1. Under Headers - Check “Add X-GM-Original-To header”.
  2. Under Route - Check “Change Route”.
  3. Select Black Pearl Mail from the dropdown.

6) Click Save.

That completes the settings needed in Google Workspace. You are now configured to route with Black Pearl Mail. These settings can take up to an hour to complete. 

Next, you'll want to create signature templates, add user details, and lastly turn on signatures for your users. We have great Getting Started articles that you can reference below.
  1. Getting Started: Use the Same Branded Email Template for all Users
  2. Getting Started: Use Different Branded Email Templates for Different Groups of Users