Converting Your Web Traffic into Happy Customers with Pearl Diver

Converting Your Web Traffic into Happy Customers with Pearl Diver

Converting Your Web Traffic into Happy Customers 
Pearl Diver collects your anonymous website traffic, but how do you use this data to increase lead generation, improve conversion rates, and achieve a higher ROI? 

Build an ICP and Buyer Persona

An ICP or Ideal Customer Profile, is your description of an Ideal Customer based on demographics, patterns or pain points. These companies are more likely to convert and be satisfied with your product or service. They have a strong lifetime value and are less likely to churn. Because of this, they should be a focus in your marketing efforts.  

Common criteria include but not limited to: 
  1. Company 
  2. Company Size 
  3. Revenue 
  4. Industry 
  5. Geography 
In short, a buyer persona is a detailed analysis of who is buying from you that accounts for demographics, goals, and challenges they face.  

Common criteria include but not limited to: 
  1. Age 
  2. Gender 
  3. Income 
  4. Department 
  5. Goals/Challenges 
Using your identified website visitors, you can start to identify your ICP or Buyer Persona by analyzing the type of people that are showing up to your website. Pearl Diver allows you to segment your data and help you narrow this down and better understand who’s interested in what you’re selling. Speak with your customer success team to identify trends in the goals and challenges your ideal customers face. The more you can dial in these attributes and validate with your current customers, the more accurate this will become. 
Already built your ICP and Buyer Persona? Great! Using Pearl Diver can be a great way to verify that the people you’re attracting to your website are in-line with those you want to become customers. 

Build Lists for Ad Campaigns 

Using Pearl Diver, you can segment your identified website visitors into highly targeted lists, export and give them to the ad networks to run better campaigns.  


Pearls are a category in Pearl Diver that represents businesses you've previously emailed and who have visited your website. They consist of familiar contacts who are highly receptive to direct communication via call or email. This can be set up by our customer success team at no extra cost! 

High ICP + High Visit 

Filter these audiences by your ICP and the number of times they have visited your website. We recommend setting the visit count to be ≥3. Visitors with high ICP and high visit counts make great additions to your ad campaign list.  
The sooner you start building this data, the more targeted and refined your lists will become resulting in successful ads. 

Personal Out-Reach 

Visitors with a high visit count and fall under your ICP/buyer persona are a great place to focus your efforts on. Personal out-reach requires a bit of planning to execute effectively.  

If you're planning to directly reach out to a visitor, it’s important to consider the following: 
  1. How much do they know about your product/service? 
  2. What industry are they in and what’s their seniority level? 
  3. What are their pain-points? 
Asking yourself these questions can better personalize your out-reach and often result in a better interaction or response. The final goal may be to sell, but this likely occurs after a relationship is built or a strong value is presented. 

Passive Automation 

The identified website visitors that don't fall into your ICP/buyer persona are still valuable and usable contacts. Unlike your high ICP/buyer persona visitors, these visitors are great to send to more passive automation so your team can focus their energy elsewhere.  
Segment these types of visitors within your audiences and set the destination to Zapier or your preferred modality. Within that platform, create automated email campaigns or newsletters to slowly push these leads along your sales funnel. 

Tips for passive outreach: 

  1. Personalized content: Create emails that are relevant to your visitors. Segment your campaigns by persona so the emails they receive resonate with them.  
  2. Provide valuable content: You don’t have a relationship with these contacts, so providing valuable content or information can help build trust. Direct them to blogs, resources, or anything else that can be of value. 
  3. Don’t over-do it: These people may not really know who you are and what you can do for them and/or their business. Sending too many emails can be spammy and off-setting to your recipients. A 3-touch campaign can help you get your point across without overselling.  

Identify Gaps/Problems 

Pearl Diver is a great tool that helps you identify your website traffic. It could be alarming to see a lack of identified visitors, but a great reason to step back and understand why. 
First, it’s important to understand the data Pearl Diver gathers. Recent statistics reveal a gut-wrenching truth that between 50-75% of site visits are bots. You may notice a lack of data if most of the “visitors” coming to your website are not real people. This reality provides an opportunity for change.  
Look at your current marketing efforts and identify a place to improve. This can be within your paid ads, social media and anything that directs a lead to your website.  =

Compliance and Regulation with Outreach to Prospects

Text messaging and SMS marketing are subject to various regulations, especially when it involves large mailing lists acquired from third parties. Here’s an overview of the key laws and regulations that govern SMS marketing in the U.S. and other regions:

TCPA - Telephone Consumer Protection Act

In terms of the federal law, here is the TCPA official act:
The TCPA requires businesses to obtain express written consent from recipients before sending any automated text messages. This is especially important for marketing messages. Consent must be clear and cannot be inferred from the recipient’s actions.
Opt-Out Mechanism: Every message must provide a clear, easy way for recipients to opt out of future messages, typically by replying with "STOP" or another keyword. Violating the TCPA can result in significant fines, with statutory damages of $500 per unsolicited message, and up to $1,500 per message for willful violations.

The main rules to align with are:
  1. Do not call anyone listed in the National Do Not Call Registry.
  2. Residences may not be called before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. in that residence time zone.
  3. Do not deliver artificial voice calls or recordings to residences without prior express written consent.
  4. Do not use autodialers, recordings, or simulated voices to make calls to mobile phones or other recipients where the receiver pays for the call itself.
  5. It is prohibited to make calls using an automatic telephone dialing system (ATDS) to:
    1. Any emergency telephone line and any emergency line of a hospital, medical physician or service office, health care facility, poison control center, or fire protection or law enforcement agency,
    2. To the telephone line of any guest room or patient room of a hospital,
    3. health care facility, elderly home, or similar establishment; or
    4. To any telephone number assigned to a paging service, cellular telephone service, specialized mobile radio service, or other radio common carrier service, or any service for which the called party is charged for the call
  6. It is prohibited to initiate any telephone call to any residential telephone line using an artificial or prerecorded voice to deliver a message without the prior express consent of the called party, unless the call is initiated for emergency purposes or is exempted by rule or order by the Commission under paragraph (2)(B) of Telephone Consumer Protection Act 47 U.S.C. § 227;
  7. It is prohibited to:
    1. (C) to use any telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other devices to send, to a telephone facsimile machine, an unsolicited advertisement to a telephone facsimile machine, unless the unsolicited advertisement is from a sender with an established business relationship with the recipient or the sender obtained the number of the telephone facsimile machine through the voluntary communication of such number, within the context of such established business relationship, from the recipient of the unsolicited advertisement, or through a directory, advertisement, or site on the Internet to which the recipient voluntarily agreed to make available its facsimile number for public distribution,
    2. Except in the case of an unsolicited advertisement that is sent based on an established business relationship with the recipient that was in existence before July 9, 2005, if the sender possessed the facsimile machine number of the recipient before such date of enactment.

CAN-SPAM - Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act

While CAN-SPAM primarily regulates email, it also applies to commercial SMS messages. It requires businesses to clearly identify promotional messages, provide a valid postal address, and honor opt-out requests promptly.

Best Practices for SMS Marketing with Third-Party Lists:

  1. Audit the List: Conduct due diligence on the source of the list to verify compliance with applicable laws.
  2. Provide Clear Opt-Out Options: Always include a clear and easy way for recipients to opt out of receiving further messages.
  3. Monitor and Maintain Records: Keep records of how consent was obtained and maintain logs of all communications.
These laws are designed to protect consumers' privacy and prevent spam, so ensuring compliance is crucial to avoid hefty fines and reputational damage. 


Pearl Diver provides you with the tools to achieve and surpass your company goals. However, what you do with the information will ultimately determine what you can accomplish.  
If you have additional questions or concerns, we’re here to guide you on this journey to success!