Black Pearl and Canva - How to edit your Canva image files to update your email banner images

Black Pearl and Canva - How to edit your Canva image files to update your email banner images

Canva is a graphic design software that lets users create images such as presentations, posters, social & email banner images, and other visual content. Canva allows you to customize these graphics easily with a few clicks or using the drag-and-drop functions to update images or move information around.

Any images created by the Black Pearl team will be provided to you via a link to an editable Canva file. Below lists some of the most helpful guides when it comes to making edits to these images so you can quickly and easily create new email banner content independently!

Most used FAQ Canva guides:
Other helpful Canva Guides:

Need some inspiration for your banners? Check out our Banner Gallery on our website for real-life examples of banners some of our customer base are using:

You can see the full list of Canva help guides at or reach out to our team for advice if you're having trouble finding what you need.

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