What will you need to do?
If there is an issue with mail delivery, the Black Pearl Mail Support team may request a copy message trace details from your Office 365 logs. This article with guide you through the process of obtaining these details.
If you have any issues or questions during this process, please contact support@blackpearlmail.com.
1) Open/go to the Office365 admin console - https://portal.office.com/adminportal
2) Click on Show all...
3) Click on Exchange.
4) Select Mail flow from the left-hand side menu.
In this section, we will be locating the message in question and sending a screenshot of the details to the Black Pearl Mail Customer Support team.
1) Click on message trace.
2) Select a time period from the Date range. The date range determines how far back message trace will search for emails. For example, if the email in question was sent 4 days ago, then select Past 7 days.
3) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on add sender.
4) In the search box at the top of the screen, enter the name of the user who sent the email and click on the search icon.
5) Double click on the user and ensure it has been added to the field at the bottom of the screen. Click OK.
6) Optional – Follow steps 3 to 5 again to add a recipient. Please note that the recipient field is for internal team members only.
7) Click on search.
7) Find the email in question from list and double click it.
8) Take a screenshot of details and email it to support@blackpearlmail.com.